Tuesday, July 21, 2020

RT @KxlabTeam: #sayhello to Christian, our new location head in Stuttgart responsible for leadership & business development. Prior to joining KXL, he was running the Innovation Hub-Corporate Functions at Daimler AG. He brings… https://t.co/K5Z5r2VDWO

from Twitter https://twitter.com/SoerenKupke

July 21, 2020 at 02:27PM

Sunday, July 19, 2020

RT @mitsmr: "Random interactions that foster innovation are less likely to happen at a time when social distancing has become the new normal." —@carlbfrey, author The Technology Trap https://t.co/9uPxbaw82o

from Twitter https://twitter.com/SoerenKupke

July 20, 2020 at 06:47AM

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

RT @blicklog: "Schluss mit der Konkurrenz zwischen Banken und Finanz-Start-ups" meint @KatharinasNews im @handelsblatt "Jüngste Beispiele zeigen, dass von Kooperationen besonders die Kunden profitieren." https://t.co/FUCxh58DvR

from Twitter https://twitter.com/SoerenKupke

July 16, 2020 at 07:53AM

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

RT @Markus_Soeder: Am Chiemsee nahm unser Grundgesetz seinen Weg - ein historischer Ort für Deutschland. Wir freuen uns, dass die Bundeskanzlerin heute unsere Kabinettssitzung auf Herrenchiemsee besucht. Herzlich willkommen an einem der schönsten Orte Bayerns! https://t.co/E5QiGUcVIu

from Twitter https://twitter.com/SoerenKupke

July 14, 2020 at 01:42PM

RT @SyncierGmbH: How to combine Finance and Information Systems? Just join us at Syncier Cloud and meet Frederic! He supports our Finance Team in their daily business. Interested? Have a look at our job openings! #cloud #kubernetes #InsurTech #joinus https://t.co/GTDVh1oaig https://t.co/q4y792dqFA

from Twitter https://twitter.com/SoerenKupke

July 14, 2020 at 01:38PM

RT @FGraillot: Why 'ecosystems' are the future of insurance, and how technology will help insurers embrace that trend. #InsurTech #FinTech 👉https://t.co/M2XYmEjQRK https://t.co/ZYl2d3bBvX

from Twitter https://twitter.com/SoerenKupke

July 14, 2020 at 01:34PM

Sunday, July 12, 2020

RT @Noahpinion: We keep thinking that whether or not there's a Cold War 2 OUR choice. But in fact, it's mostly China's choice. And China seems to want Cold War 2. By @nfergus: https://t.co/beNLAxsfSL

from Twitter https://twitter.com/SoerenKupke

July 13, 2020 at 07:04AM

RT @PolizeiOG: +++BITTE TEILEN!+++ Wir bitten um Eure Mithilfe bei einer Fahndung bezüglich des heutigen Polizeieinsatzes in #Oppenau Hier geht es direkt zur Fahndung und einem Foto des Gesuchten: https://t.co/X0UqAP6WBQ https://t.co/6Sb8nZNa7Y

from Twitter https://twitter.com/SoerenKupke

July 12, 2020 at 08:28PM