Spannende Zahlen zum Streaming Duell zwischen Apple und Spotify.
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) June 30, 2019
from Twitter
June 30, 2019 at 06:00AM
Spannende Zahlen zum Streaming Duell zwischen Apple und Spotify.
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) June 30, 2019
20 Fascinating Google Facts & Stats
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) June 29, 2019
Sitze ich also wegen Bahnverspätung in Frankfurt am Main in der DBLounge und kann dieses tolle Interview in der Börsen-Zeitung zu Allianz Leben lesen!
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) June 27, 2019
Tapping into the aging workforce in financial services
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) June 27, 2019
From "fail never" to "fail fast": How @dawnlaguens, former EVP of @PPFA, is learning to experiment, prototype innovative solutions at scale, and sharpen her creative leadership skills:
— IDEO (@ideo) June 26, 2019
„Niedrige Zinsen, hohe Schulden ... und alles ist gut“
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) June 24, 2019
8 Tips to Avoid Decision Fatigue
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) June 21, 2019
So much fun with Caroline Kennedy yesterday at the #JFKSpaceSummit. Her father’s Rice speech still inspires. We choose to do these things “not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” #Apollo50
— Jeff Bezos (@JeffBezos) June 20, 2019
Guter Impuls von Daniel Konrad, es wird Zeit, IT und Business gemeinsam zu betrachten. IT muss Teil des Geschäftsmodells sein und nicht nur "Enabler".
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) June 19, 2019
Why having a tech-savvy senior #leadership team is a good choice, even for non-tech firms.
— Working Knowledge (@HBSWK) June 18, 2019
Zeit für ein Lob für diese zivilisierte und anregende Debatte, die mein Leitartikel zum Provisionsdeckel auf @faznet ausgelöst hat: mit @vzbv, @Klaus_Mueller, @peterschwark, @alimasarwah, @ChrisPruessing. Vielleicht war das mit @Twitter mal so gedacht, als es losging. 😀
— Philipp Krohn (@pkrohn1) June 17, 2019
What comes after open offices? It doesn't matter—as long as culture comes first
— IDEO (@ideo) June 16, 2019
Even big companies can adopt!
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) June 15, 2019
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) June 14, 2019
"If you have a big company’s DNA, you need to catalyze strategic changes—small mutations that make it possible for a startup model and mindset to thrive inside a much different species. "
— IDEO (@ideo) June 14, 2019
Ab Mitte September könnte die #PSD2 den Online-Einkauf komplizierter machen. Der Handelsverband @eurocommerce fordert Aufschub für die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung #SCA @EAtzler
— Katharina Schneider (@KatharinasNews) June 12, 2019
Available tomorrow and so much fun to play!
— Aaron Greenberg 🔛Xbox Plaza! (@aarongreenberg) June 12, 2019
Lesenswertes Interview mit @crebernik7791.
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) June 12, 2019
Interessant, dass viele etablierte Anbieter auf B2B Lösungen setzen statt auf B2C.
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) June 11, 2019
Free speech on the internet is in free fall. George Orwell’s vision of the future was “a boot stamping on a human face — for ever”. In 2019, it turns out to be a geek hitting “delete” on a keyboard for ever.
— Niall Ferguson (@nfergus) June 9, 2019
"To unleash the potential of horizontal collaboration, leaders must equip people to learn and to relate to one another across cultural and logistical divides." @AmyCEdmondson via @HarvardBiz
— Harvard Business (@HarvardHBS) June 6, 2019
A list of common terms that can dehumanize customers and competitors, and a list of alternatives that might infuse our conversations with more humanity, agency, and reciprocity. (via @ideo journal) #cmreads
— CreativeMornings (@creativemorning) June 3, 2019
For #banks to successfully deal with #regulation challenges, they need to become #EventDriven enterprises.
— Elixirr (@TheELIXIRR) June 2, 2019