Weiter geht's mit Christian von @GetSafeDE #insurtech #zebUni2016 http://pic.twitter.com/91RMDbWw1h
— Fintech Hub by zeb (@Fintech_Hub_zeb) April 29, 2016
from Twitter https://twitter.com/SoerenKupke
April 30, 2016 at 09:37PM
Weiter geht's mit Christian von @GetSafeDE #insurtech #zebUni2016 http://pic.twitter.com/91RMDbWw1h
— Fintech Hub by zeb (@Fintech_Hub_zeb) April 29, 2016
I love that infographic by @GeoffKates
— Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) April 30, 2016
Bank of the Future
RT @BarkowConsult #banking #fintech http://pic.twitter.com/YQepsPMtaG
TOP #Fintech Startups Over Last Decades |from @FintechCH https://t.co/0t9Era7TeX http://pic.twitter.com/gr99WYYVVD
— Nico Bindels (@NicoBindels) April 26, 2016
Good paper from ECB on #blockchain scenarios#fintech [PDF] https://t.co/jJ1gX2M4Jh http://pic.twitter.com/1piHZVN9OU
— Sebastien Meunier (@sbmeunier) April 26, 2016
Germany's Second Largest Bank @commerzbank Said to Launch #P2P Platform this Year https://t.co/WsWzsh5jyO #fintech http://pic.twitter.com/qQVJH5ZPlF
— Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) April 23, 2016
Great article on why #InsurTech #startups will disrupt insurance. #FinTech https://t.co/rcl0bTN2hE http://pic.twitter.com/xj9Ed8e0DP
— Minh Q. Tran (@Minh_Q_Tran) April 22, 2016
Which industries are the most digital | McKinsey & Company https://t.co/mEjJPXnM12
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) April 23, 2016
Online Media Is Tested When Social Platforms Come to Town https://t.co/uFp3cneYWP
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) April 23, 2016
Save the date: @WIRED_Germany MONEY in Berlin mit S. Sieglerschmidt (@DigiAccelerator) https://t.co/Mqr6IL3idb http://pic.twitter.com/m06aUeBcl2
— MarkusWalter@Allianz (@allianz_de) April 22, 2016
Meeting the Fintech Challenge via @stratandbiz #finance https://t.co/8TtdbZTKi9
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) April 20, 2016
6 new insurance distribution models#insurtech #fintechhttps://t.co/QwX4i1I03m http://pic.twitter.com/z8NxozsFeQ
— Sebastien Meunier (@sbmeunier) April 16, 2016
Offene Daten wirken auf vielfache Weise. Mehr dazu auf https://t.co/7B2M63DcNB von @okfde und @snv_berlin #odk16 http://pic.twitter.com/n2hcETNzfe
— Julia Manske (@juka_ma) April 19, 2016
Netflix, What’s Happening? https://t.co/kuaqUP6LX0
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) April 19, 2016
Four Business Models for the Digital Era https://t.co/mtRzuM0uAS #digital #strategy http://pic.twitter.com/uZxV2y5U6g
— MITSloan Mgmt Review (@mitsmr) April 17, 2016
“@Mellinghoff: The FINTECH Book - Buchpräsentation in Frankfurt in der alten Börse https://t.co/8pTA033feL” @FinTechForum_DE #fintech
— Fintech Germany (@FintechGermany) April 17, 2016
FAZ-Chef Thomas Lindner: „Wir streben langfristig 100.000 neue Digital-Abonnenten an“ › Meedia https://t.co/DOgsZE7dPz via @meedia
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) April 16, 2016
"The world needs creativity because problems aren’t getting simpler." @IDEOU talks w/@IDEO's Matt Adams: https://t.co/DJhmL9zh1F
— IDEO (@ideo) April 15, 2016
Technology is the driver, but it's people who are the key to transforming #insurance for the future https://t.co/2mrBNd4T8d
— Sam Evans (@Sam_C_Evans) April 7, 2016
WDR-Berechnung zur gesetzlichen Rente: Fast jedem Zweiten droht Altersarmut | tagesschau.de https://t.co/3aXJthNaS0
— Sören Kupke (@SoerenKupke) April 12, 2016
Work. Play. Repeat. Welcome to https://t.co/4ArbLXGFgQ.
— IDEO (@ideo) April 12, 2016
42 design firms acquired since 2004, with almost half since last year’s https://t.co/u3V5X7izyO Report. http://pic.twitter.com/oILBbQi472
— John Maeda (@johnmaeda) April 10, 2016
Heute in der FAZ @Svenastheimer über Zukunft der Arbeit & unsere Szenarien Arbeitsmarkt 2030 https://t.co/4DTiWF0Uan http://pic.twitter.com/RjbDNRU3ME
— Stefan Heumann (@St_Heumann) April 9, 2016